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DMU Resource Lists for Staff (previous): Adding books

Adding books: introduction

Below we have some 'quick start' guides for adding books whether they are already available in the Library or not. If you'd like more in-depth instructions the following guide provides screenshots as well as step-by-step instructions.

Bookmarking a book

If the book is already available in the Library it is best to bookmark it straight from the Library Catalogue or Library Search.

If the book is not available in stock, you can bookmark it from a bookseller's e.g. Amazon or a publisher's website e.g. Routledge

1. Find the book on the Catalogue/Library Search/website

2. Click on the title (you need to be on the page where there is detailed information about the book)

2. Click on the  on your browser 

3. At the bottom of the page on the next screen, click on  if you want to add the book to a list later or  if you already have a list  (you will then have to choose which list you want to add the book to)


Bookmarking an ebook

Print and ebooks are bookmarked it in the same way.

To check that the book you want to bookmark is available as an ebook, it is best to use Library Search as more collections are listed there than are on the Library Catalogue.

To limit your search to ebooks only on Library Search, perform your search then use the left hand side menu and tick Book/ebook under CONTENT TYPE and 'Full Text Online' under REFINE YOUR SEARCH'.

Importing items from reference management software

If you use reference management software such as RefWorks or Endnote you can import references from these into DMU Resource Lists.

1. First, export your references from the reference management software into an RIS file. If you are unsure how to do this consult the help guides for your software.

2. In DMU Resource Lists click on My Bookmarks and then click on Add on the right hand side of the screen

Use the Add menu to import your citations


3. Click on Import citations

4. On the following screen click on Choose file and find the RIS you downloaded from your reference management software. You can choose to either add the items in your Bookmarks area or add them directly into a new list by clicking on Add imported resources to a new list.

Import citations pop up box

You can't import citations into a list that already exists. If you want to add new items into a current list, import the items in your Bookmarks and then follow these instructions:

1. Navigate to the list you want to add the items to (either search for the title of the list on the home screen or click on My lists and choose the list you want)

2. Click on Edit and then Edit list

Edit list menu

3. Your imported resources will appear in the list on the right hand side of the screen. You can drag them from here into your list.

Most recent bookmarks shown in the Edit list view


Combining ebook and book record

If there are two catalogue records for the same book, one for the print book and one for the ebook, you can combine the two into one single bookmark rather than bookmarking each separately.  

  • Find both the print and ebook records on the Catalogue/Library Search and display them on separate tabs
  • Bookmark the print copy as usual
  • On the bookmarking page before clicking on the 'Create' button, add a new ‘Web address’ field 
  • Go to the tab displaying the ebook record and copy the URL linking to the ebook itself
  • Add the URL to the ‘Web address’ field 
  • Select 'Create' or 'Create and add to list' to save the bookmark.

You may also want to add a note for the students to let them know that the book is available both online and in print

There are more than one record for the same book

If there are more than one record for the same item e.g. a Shakespeare play, you do not need to bookmark all instances of the book.

Instead, you can direct students towards the  button which appears underneath 'Library availability'. Clicking on the button will display other formats/editions of the title. 

You can do this by adding a note for the students for example:

"There are many different editions of this play available in the library.To find them, click on the title and select the blue 'Find other formats/editions' on the right’ of the screen."

If you are aware that there is a new edition of a book that the library does not have you can bookmark this from a bookseller (e.g. Amazon) and the library will purchase it. You may also want to bookmark the older edition of the book from the library catalogue so that students know that there are copies available whilst the library purchases the new one.