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IEEE Referencing Guide: Media

Video, Film or Broadcast

Title, [Type of media], Originator (e.g. director). Place of production: Production company, year.
e.g. Avatar, [Film], directed by James Cameron. USA: Warner Bros, 2010.

A television or radio broadcast should also include the date and time of broadcast and the episode number, where possible.

Title, [Type of media], Originator (e.g. channel). Exact date, and time of broadcast.
e.g. Plastic: how it works, [TV], BBC4. 10th September 2012, 1930 hrs.

Online films

Examples include YouTube films.

Title, [Type of media], Originator (e.g. director), year. Available from: web address [Accessed date].
e.g. Adding references to Refworks using direct export , [Online film], Proquestrefworks, 2012. Available from: [Accessed 17/07/13].